Registration > Registration Process
The Phages in Paris 2022 symposium is free for students, post-docs and academics.
NB: please note that even for people who do not pay registration fee, it is mandatory to register on the payment site "Azur Colloque".
The registration fee is 100 € for industrialists.
The fee covers access to the conference, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on Wednesday, October 12. The dinner will be held at the Institut Pasteur and close to the posters to encourage scientific exchanges.
Possible payment methods: click here
Registration deadline: September 17th, 2022.
Oral Communications will be selected by the Scientific Committee. Please submit your abstract for an oral communication using the submit page before Septembrer 2th, 2022. -> Oral communications will only be taken into account when accompanied with a registration.
If you wish to present a poster, please use the submit page before September 2th, 2022. -> Posters will only be taken into account when accompanied with a registration.